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New SpiderForest Comics – Unlikely Partnerships

Witch of Dezina – The government sends a bureaucrat to find a missing goddess. Things get messy when a witch gets involved.
Heckin’ wimdy.
Something odd about how linear that storm is.
Umm, what happened to the vote link. We not doing that anymore?
Top Webcomics is still active, I just took the link out for now since there’s a lot of other things being promoted this week.
Thank you for creating and posting an interesting story.
The top web comics vote button seems to have wandered away.
Top Webcomics is still active, I just took the link out for now since there’s a lot of other things being promoted this week.
Is this a flashback? They both look youn… SQUIRREL!
I don’t think so. Rosemary’s lessons began recently.
I’ve been gushing about this comic to my friends over the past few days while I read it. I hope they will start it too! If I talk about it enough at least SOME of them are bound to read
if attention is brought to a storm gathering in a fantasy story, the storm isnt normal