>Join the Patreon Community!<
Hey! Right now I’m running a short campaign on Patreon! Anyone who joins at the $5 tier or higher will receive a set of 3 stickers in the mail. (You can see what one of them looks like underneath the cover– there’s two Rocky’s and a Toivo.) By joining, you’ll help bring this comic to life and get some cool perks like seeing upcoming pages before they’re live on the site!
If joining the Patreon isn’t your thing, you can also help support the comic by telling your friends about it.
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New SpiderForest Comics – Finding Keys to New Worlds

KEYSPACE: A Winged Tale – Kids with wings for hair journey into an underground lab to look for a missing scientist.

Sao and the Glow of Memories – A fantasy story about the power of memory, community, love, and revolution!
Oh shoot no! Rosemary, be careful!
I just knew we hadn’t seen the last of those beasties.
Oh noes! Where the TWC banner go? And this isn’t still the Boy’s Night intermission, is it?
Oh, that’s a back link…
I took the TWC banner off for this week since there’s quite a few other links going on in the comment. TWC is still active!
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Magical Mutant Wolf.
Questions are: “who is the grandma?” and “will there be a lumberjack/hunter/woodsman in this version?”